Syringe Access Program:
One of the number one contributors of new HIV and HCV infections are from sharing needles and other equipment. Our SAP (syringe access program) provides new clean sterile works for our clients as well as education on safer usage. Using new works not only prevents blood borne infections it also reduces scaring tissue, blown veins, burnt lips, abscess, and other personal harm. Our SAP is open Monday-Friday 9am-4pm.
Harm Reduction Counselor:
Not all people are ready or willing to stop using drugs, but still feel like they could use support. Our harm reduction counselor provides counseling on safer usage, reducing harms to yourself and others, and referrals to other services such as health care, social needs, food pantry, and even treatment if requested. The harm reduction counselor also facilitates monthly groups for those who feel stigmatized in sober spaces.
ARCH Nurse:
On staff in our harm reduction center is our ARCH Nurse (access to reproductive care and HIV services) who provides an array of services. In house testing for HIV, HCV, STDs, and pregnancy, STD treatment, wound care, medical case management, and referrals to more comprehensive care and treatment.
Chem Sex Harm Reduction:
One of the largest contributions to new HIV and STD infections among gay and bisexual men are from the activities associated with chem sex, using substances in conjunction with sex. Our GBM (gay and bi men) harm reduction counselor provides harm reduction tools to help reduce your harms to yourself and provide safer sex and drug education. HIV testing, PrEP (pre-exposure prophylaxis), and TASP (treatment as prevention) are a few of the tools our counselor can help you use while using.
Overdose prevention:
Overdose education and prevention is one of the best ways to combat this overdose epidemic. At our harm reduction program we provide overdose counseling, education on the good Samaritan law, fentanyl test strips, and Narcan education and distribution. By educating those who are using and those who know people who are using, we can reduce the number of overdoses and the amount of deaths.
Low Threshold Buprenorphine Program:
Through our harm reduction program, we offer our clients the opportunity to get opioid use disorder treatment on our site. By working with our prescriber and the community case manager, we help our clients who are ready for treatment get started on buprenorphine with minimal barriers. By working in the program, we are able to get clients stable on the treatment. Once the client is stable, we then refer the client more comprehensive treatment and care.